
My work deals with a freedom to express oneself through the use of colors. I start by aiming the camera at the sky and seeing what wonders appear through the air. By photographing the sky in the early morning, I start to see what type of colors appear at certain intervals. While some images show warm colors, like a bright orange or yellow, others show a cool color, like blue or purple. The idea is to see what a person feels when they look at certain colors. 

The Skyscape series deals with capturing images of the sky at different time frames as it undergoes changes every minute. Depending on the time of day or the change of weather, the sky produces unique patterns, shapes and tints. This work involves the artist pointing the camera to the sky and seeing what types of color appear at certain periods of time. Everyone’s perspective is different and some may share the same feelings you do. What type of emotions does one feel when they see a mixture of colors? One thing that cannot be changes is one’s opinion on how they feel about certain things.

            The intention of this work is to have the viewer look with unclouded eyes and see what others may or may not see. The world has its own way of expressing itself and the mixture of colors in the sky could be one of the ways it shares its feelings. One thing that we do know is everyone has emotions and they all have their own color. Everyone has their own opinion when it comes to feeling a certain way when they look at a warm or cool color.

Bluish Warmth

The Sky Series

Reflection Below

The Sky Series

Warmth from Above

The Sky Series

Gray Ambience

The Sky Series

Soothing Thoughts

The Sky Series

Harmony Above

The Sky Series

Wondering Mind

The Sky Series


Bank on Yourself

